Book Tag: Would you rather…?

Aimee is back, b*tches.

What better way to celebrate than with a book tag? I’m gonna start putting some more reviews out soon, because I’ve read a whole wealth of books this year, and most of them have been so so good. So to ease myself back in, I’m gonna do a couple of tags.

Would you rather…

Read only trilogies or stand-alones?

If this goes by strictly trilogy, then that limits my reading a whole bunch. Does this mean I can’t include books that start out as a trilogy and then end up having more in the series? Cause then there would be no Ember in the Ashes, or Mistborn, or even Vengeful which is only a duo-logy! Either way, I’d probably lean more towards trilogy than stand-alones. I like things that I can get really stuck in to, and things that I can come back to. Don’t get me wrong, there are some fabulous stand-alones out there, but I am definitely more of a fan of series. The book hangovers from a series though…

Read only female or male authors?

I’m not sure I really want to answer this one. I don’t pay attention to the gender of an author, just as long as the book is good, and engaging, and breaks my heart a little. There are both male and female authors that I absolutely adore, and then there are male and female authors that I cannot stand. This question is dumb.

Shop at Barnes & Noble, or Amazon?

I’m guessing the equivalent of B&N in the UK would be Waterstones? Maybe Foyles (although I think they’re now both owned by the same parent company). As a rule, I always go with Waterstones (or any other highstreet bookseller) as opposed to Amazon, because authors barely get any income from Amazon, and it is slowly killing the book trade. I do mostly use the library, but when I buy a book, I’ll always go to Waterstones. Plus, they’ve got a fab rewards program that makes buying books literally addictive. My TBR pile is getting out of hand. Thanks, Waterstones.

All books became movies, or TV shows?

I think this follows the general principle of the first question: I like to get stuck into longer things. Therefore TV shows would be more preferable. TV shows give more time to be able to develop the plot and the characters, and I think is slightly more reflective of the pacing of the books. Plus there have been some great book to TV adaptations recently, like The Haunting of Hill House, and A Discovery of Witches. Mini dramas also work really well too, and I think I’m usually quite disappointed when a book becomes a film. It’s just not the same!

Read 5 pages per day, or 5 books per week?

This one isn’t exactly hard for me. I get through a fair amount of books a week. 5 would definitely be a push, but at the rate I read, reading only 5 pages a day would be torture. I read at least 100-200 pages per day. Could you imagine my commute, only reading 5 pages and then having to sit through the whole journey without my book? No thank you!

Be a professional reviewer, or author?

This is actually a tricky one. And I’m pretty sure you can be both. But… I’d like to be an author. I just need to find a way that works for me so my ideas actually end up on paper (or at least on my laptop screen) instead of getting stuck in my head where they inevitable get lost. Although, I could say the same for reviews too, based on my current track record…

Only read your top favourite 20 books over and over, or always read new books that you haven’t read before?

This one is a no brainer – new books every time. I’m not really one to re-read things. I love the thrill of an unexpected turn, and it just isn’t the same the second time around. Granted, when you re-read, you tend to get more out of it, but it’s just not the same for me. Plus, I read an article that said the average reader will only read 3000 books in their lifetime. That’s basically nothing! I think my TBR is nearing that! Life is too short for re-reads.

Be a librarian or a bookseller?

I am a librarian… I love my job.

Only read your favourite genre(s), or every genre except your favourite?

Ahh this is a difficult one! I read so widely that I’d end up missing out if I only read my favourite genres, but then I always find in the winters all I want to read are epic fantasies, or sci-fi novels, and it’s so comforting when it’s cold outside and I’m lost in a completely different world, with a whole empire to contend with. What would I do without that? That’s like my yearly reset before I go on to read more contemporary fiction, crime, YA, the odd non-fic here and there. I literally cannot answer this question. Help.

Only read physical books, or e-books?

I was about to say this one won’t be hard, but then I do read both, and I listen to audiobooks too. I tend to read things in whatever format I can find them. So I’ll pick the book I want to read, and whichever I can get my hands on first will be the edition I read. I guess if I’m being really picky, I’d probably say the physical book because I love the smell of books. Although e-books are great for reading in bed. But yeah, I’ll go for physical on this one. I’ve always felt e-books are my backup.

One thought on “Book Tag: Would you rather…?

  1. OHHHHH, this looks like such a good tag to do. I am going to definitely do it, if of course I haven’t done it yet. I loved reading all of your answers. I literally agree with pretty much all of your answers except I am from America, so, I you know, pick Barnes and Nobles, or Half Price Books. Lovely post but the way and have a great day 🙂


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